Help Ukrainian POWs

Since 2014 Russia has been conducting systematic abuse and torture of illegally detained civilians and POW in Ukraine - without any repercussions. In 2022, Russia has escalated wagging terror on Ukraine to committing war crimes to an industrial level.

Currently, there are 1000s of Ukrainians illegally detained by Russian authorities. The detention of these people breaches multiple international laws - as around 90% of exchanged prisoners report being subject to torture, detained in inappropriate conditions and not having any contact with their relatives.

These are direct war crimes committed against the most vulnerable and defenceless. Many of the detained are civilians, social activists, teachers or even students. This is one of many ways Russia is institutionalising their system of terror on occupied territories.

Ukraine is not alone; countries such as Syria, Moldova, Chechnya, and Georgia have all suffered at the hands of the same perpetrators. Russian terror knows no borders as the Russian government continues to threaten European countries with war.

We seek to deliver change and make an impact from Scotland. One way is by raising public awareness, education and understanding of the ongoing Russian terror.